Dental Surgeon


Dr. Lillian enjoys all areas of general dentistry with strong focus on preventative dentistry – which she believes plays a big part in the ongoing care of a person’s oral health and especially instills this mindset into young kids. She loves creating an enjoyable environment/experience for her little patients to minimise fear and phobia.

Book a visit with Dr. Lillian Yap


9:00 AM-7:00 PM
8:00 AM-6:00 PM
8:30 AM-5:00 PM
8:00 AM-5:30 PM
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
8:00 AM-12 PM (noon)
Sunday / Public Holidays

Contact Dr Lillian


08 8336 3623

Academic Background

After graduating from the University of Adelaide in 2008 (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), Dr. Lillian went up north to work in a private practice at Port Augusta, where she served the community for 4 years. This opportunity has allowed her to gain much experience and diversity within general dentistry before returning to Adelaide metropolitan area.

Dr. Lillian enjoys all areas of general dentistry with strong focus on preventative dentistry. She believes preventative dentistry plays a big part in the ongoing care of a person’s oral health hence she has always instilled this mindset into young kids in particular. Dr. Lillian loves creating an enjoyable environment/experience for her little patients to minimise fear and phobia. If required, she is able to treat kids under happy gas.

  • Interests
  • Professional Development / Self-interest
  • Affiliations

Other than that, Dr. Lillian has an interest in treating adults with worn dentition to achieve better cosmetic result and better function. She often spends time discussing and investigating the underlying causes of heavily worn teeth to ensure a successful and long-lasting treatment at the end.

Dentistry is a dynamic field where new concepts and technologies are constantly evolving. Dr. Lillian stays abreast of dentistry by undertaking professional development courses.

Recent Continuous Professional Development Courses

    • Paediatric airway and sleep health
    • Direct composite resin for worn anterior teeth by Dr Tony Rotondo
    • Advanced endodontic hands on course by Dr Mehdi Rahimi and Dr Mark Johnstone
    • Pain management and Use of Botulinum Toxin for the treatment of Temporo-Mandibular-Joint Dysfunction
    • The Prosthodontist Masters Series – Full Mouth Rehabilitation by Dr Tony Rotondo and Dr Michael Mandikos
    • The next generation of interdisciplinary dentofacial therapy – Implementing digital technology and an airway focus
  • Australian Dental Congress
  • Member of Australian Dental Association

Personal Outlook

Dr. Lillian has a relaxed friendly personality. She prides herself as a gentle dentist with great empathy for her clients especially those with dental phobia. She always performs treatment in a comfortable manner.

Outside dentistry, Lillian enjoys spending time with friends, chit-chatting and trying out new restaurants/cuisines as well as trying to keep herself fit and healthy.

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